Saturday, January 14, 2023

What is a gemetria calculator?

A gematria calculator is an online tool that helps to determine the numerical equivalency of letters and words in the Hebrew language (Gematria). This tool is used in Jewish teachings such as Kabbalah, Torah study, mystical commentary and word shares known as Notarikon. Gematria can be considered a system of numerology or a type of phonetic jewelry.

A gemetria calculator assigns a numerical equivalent to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is equivalent to its numerical value in Arabic numerals. For example, Aleph is equivalent to its numerical value 1, bet is equal to 2 and gimmel is equal to 3. The total numerical value of a chosen word or phrase can be calculated by adding up the values for each letter in that word or phrase. Gemetria starts with Aleph and counts up through the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, tav.

The gemetria calculator can also provide interpretations from different mystical directions when words are inputted into it. It may suggest sacred connections within various books and commentaries, religious hymns, teachings or scriptures based on the numerical values associated with words and phrases. A skilled interpreter can use the results obtained from a gemetria calculator to determine spiritual insights into the text being studied or interpreted.

Gematria has been used over many centuries by Jewish scholars as one way to explore both written texts and spoken words related to scripture and religious law. Even today many rabbis use gematria observations during their studies as they seek guidance on spiritual matters. Gemetria calculators are also becoming increasingly popular among other students exploring Jewish mysticism or Kabbalistic philosophies.

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