Friday, March 24, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is a form of numerology used in Kabbalistic traditions of Judaism. It assigns numerical value to a word or phrase, often taking into account the relationship between the letters of a word or phrase and its numerical meaning. Gematria is based on the idea that all numbers have unique meaning and are linked to one another.

Gematria has been used for centuries by Jews in religious studies and as a method of unlocking hidden meanings throughout the Hebrew Bible. Gematria places emphasis on the interpretation of numbers, believing they can be used as a means of unlocking secrets in scripture that would otherwise be impossible to know. For example, when attempting to interpret God's name, gematria is used to convert letters into numbers which then helps to reveal the divine meaning behind it.

In addition to Hebrew scripture, gematria can also be used for other purposes. When gematria is applied to phrases outside regular religious texts, it can help identify similarities between words and phrases that may otherwise appear unrelated but are actually deeply linked. This application can extend even further when gematria is applied numerologically to assign each letter a corresponding number or symbolize certain concepts with specific words or numbers.

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